
The toast is used to show alerts on top of an overlay. The toast will close itself when the close button is clicked, or after a timeout — the default is 5 seconds. The toast component is used to give feedback to users after an action has taken place.

Toasts can be configured to appear at either the top or the bottom of an application window, and it is possible to have more than one toast onscreen at a time.

Basic usage#

Chakra UI injects the this.$toast method to your application's Vue instance so you can conveniently invoke toast notifications anywhere in your Vue templates.

Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'Account created.',
        description: "We've created your account for you.",
        status: 'info',
        duration: 10000

Rendering custom toast components#

Display a custom component instead of the default Toast UI.

Rendering custom elements may require you to have some knowledge of how Vue's render function works.

In order to keep your custom toast components simple, it's best to extract your toast components into their own components and then consume it in the this.$toast render method.

Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        position: 'bottom-left',
        render: () => {
          return this.$createElement('c-box', {
            props: {
              color: 'white',
              p: 3,
              m: 3,
              bg: 'blue.500'
          }, 'Hello World!')


Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'Account created.',
        description: "We've created your account for you.",
        status: 'success',
        duration: 10000


Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'Warning.',
        description: "You're almost out of storage.",
        status: 'warning',
        duration: 10000


Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'An error occurred.',
        description: "Unable to load sharingan. Please shadow clones.",
        status: 'error',
        duration: 10000


Using the position property you can adjust where your toast will be popup from.

Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'Account created.',
        description: "We've created your account for you.",
        status: 'success',
        duration: 10000,
        position: 'top-right'


The this.$toast method can also allow you to render toast notifications with different variants. Each toast status has 4 variants, namely: solid, subtle, top-accent and left-accent.

Try changing the variant property to a value between solid, subtle, top-accent and left-accent to see all the toast variants!

Editable Example
  <c-button @click="showToast">Show Toast</c-button>

export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
        title: 'Account created.',
        description: "We've created your account for you.",
        status: 'info',
        duration: 10000,
        variant: 'subtle' // `solid` | `subtle` | `top-accent` | `left-accent`


titlestringThe title of the toast.
isClosablebooleanfalseIf true adds a close button to the toast.
onClosefunctionCallback function to close the toast.
descriptionstringThe description of the toast.
statussuccess, danger, warning, infoThe status of the toast.
variantsolid, subtle, left-accent, top-accentThe variant of the toast.
durationnumber5000msDuration before dismiss in milliseconds, or null to never dismiss.
positiontop, top-left, top-right, bottom, bottom-left, bottom-rightbottomPosition the toast will popup out from.
render(props: {onClose:() => void, id: string}) => Vue.VNodeThe description of the toast.

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