Select component is a component that allows users pick a value from predefined options. Ideally, it should be used when there are more than 5 options, otherwise you might consider using a radio group instead.
import { CSelect } from '@chakra-ui/vue'
Here's a basic usage of the Select component.
<c-box mb="3" w="300px">
<c-select v-model="burgerType" placeholder="Select Burger">
<option value="grilled">Grilled Backyard Burger</option>
<option value="pub-style">The Pub-Style Burger</option>
<option value="jucy-lucy">The Jucy Lucy</option>
export default {
data() {
return {
burgerType: ''
There are three sizes of select : large (48px), default (40px) and small (32px).
<c-stack :spacing="3">
<c-select placeholder="large size" size="lg" />
<c-select placeholder="default size" size="md" />
<c-select placeholder="small size" size="sm" />
Just like the input component, select comes in 3 variants, outline
, unstyled
, flushed
, and filled
. Pass the variant
prop and set it to either of
these values.
<c-stack :spacing="3">
<c-select variant="outline" placeholder="Outline" />
<c-select variant="filled" placeholder="Filled" />
<c-select variant="flushed" placeholder="Flushed" />
<c-select variant="unstyled" placeholder="Unstyled" />
Even though the select comes with predefined styles, you can override pretty much any property. Here's we'll override the background color.
placeholder="Woohoo! A new background color!"
The Select component composes PseudoBox so you can pass all PseudoBox
Name | Type | Default | Description |
size | sm , md , lg | md | The visual size of the select element. |
icon | string | chevron-down | The icon to use in place if the chevron-down |
iconSize | BoxProps['size'] | 20px | The visual size of the icon |
variant | outline , unstyled , flushed , filled | outline | The variant of the select style to use. |
focusBorderColor | string | The border color when the select is focused. | |
errorBorderColor | string | The border color when isInvalid is set to true . | |
isDisabled | boolean | false | If true , the select will be disabled. This sets aria-disabled=true and you can style this state by passing _disabled prop. |
isInvalid | boolean | false | If true , the select will indicate an error. This sets aria-invalid=true and you can style this state by passing _invalid prop. |
isRequired | boolean | false | If true , the select element will be required. |
isReadOnly | boolean | false | If true , prevents the value of the select from being edited. |
rootProps | BoxProps | The props to pass to the wrapper of the select. The select is wrapped in a Box to help align the icon, if you want to pass some props to that wrapper, use this prop |
Name | Description |
default | contains the <option> element as children of CSelect |
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