component is a component that is used to get user input in a text field.
It is usually used together with the FormControl to provide an
accessible label, validation messages, etc.
import { CInput } from "@chakra-ui/vue";
Here's the basic usage of the CInput
<c-input placeholder="Basic usage" />
Chakra provides three sizes of an the Input component : large (40px), default (32px) and small (24px).
<c-stack spacing="3">
<c-input placeholder="large size" size="lg" />
<c-input placeholder="default size" size="md" />
<c-input placeholder="small size" size="sm" />
The input component comes in 3 variants, outline
, unstyled
, flushed
, and
. Pass the variant
prop to set it to either of these values.
<c-stack spacing="3">
<c-input variant="outline" placeholder="Outline" />
<c-input variant="filled" placeholder="Filled" />
<c-input variant="flushed" placeholder="Flushed" />
<c-input variant="unstyled" placeholder="Unstyled" />
Chakra also allows you to add addons to the left and right of the CInput
component. Chakra UI exports CInputGroup
, CInputLeftAddon
, CInputRightAddon
to help with this use case.
<c-stack spacing="4">
<c-input type="tel" roundedLeft="0" placeholder="phone number" />
<!-- If you add the size prop to `CInputGroup`, it'll pass it to all it's children. -->
<c-input-group size="sm">
<c-input rounded="0" placeholder="mysite" />
In some scenarios, you might need to add an icon or button inside the input
component. Chakra UI exports CInputLeftElement
, and CInputRightElement
to help
with this use case.
<c-stack spacing="4">
<c-input-left-element><c-icon name="phone" color="gray.300" /></c-input-left-element>
<c-input type="phone" placeholder="Phone number" />
<c-input-left-element color="gray.300" fontSize="1.2em">¥</c-input-left-element>
<c-input placeholder="Enter amount" />
<c-input-right-element><c-icon name="check" color="green.500" /></c-input-right-element>
Let's use these components to create a password input with a show/hide password functionality.
<c-input-group size="md">
:type="show ? 'text' : 'password'"
placeholder="Enter password"
<c-input-right-element width="4.5rem">
<c-button h="1.75rem" size="sm" @click="show = !show">
{{ show ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }}
export default {
name: 'PasswordInput',
data () {
return {
password: 'kurama<3naruto',
show: false
You can change the border color that shows when the input receives focus
) and when isInvalid
is set to true
The value can be set to a color in the $chakraTheme
object, like green.400
or a raw
CSS value.
<c-stack spacing="3">
<c-input focus-border-color="lime" placeholder="Here is a sample placeholder" />
placeholder="Here is a sample placeholder"
placeholder="Here is a sample placeholder"
placeholder="Here is a sample placeholder"
The Input component composes PseudoBox so you can pass all
props, and normal HTMLInput
Name | Type | Default | Description |
as | HTMLElement or Vue.Component | input | The component to use in place of input . |
aria-label | string | Accessibility label to use, in scenarios where the input has no visible label. A11y: It's usefult for screen readers. | |
aria-describedby | string | Accessibility label to use, in scenarios where the input has no visible label. A11y: It's usefult for screen readers. | |
isDisabled | boolean | false | If true , the input will be disabled. This sets aria-disabled=true and you can style this state by passing _disabled prop. |
isInvalid | boolean | false | If true , the input will indicate an error. This sets aria-invalid=true and you can style this state by passing _invalid prop. |
isRequired | boolean | false | If true , the input element will be required. |
isFullWidth | boolean | false | If true , the input element will span the full width of it's parent. |
isReadOnly | boolean | false | If true , prevents the value of the input from being edited. |
size | sm , md , lg | md | The visual size of the input element. |
variant | outline , unstyled , flushed , filled | outline | The variant of the input style to use. |
focusBorderColor | string | The border color when the input is focused. | |
errorBorderColor | string | The border color when isInvalid is set to true . |
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