
Text is the used to render text and paragraphs within an interface. It renders a <p> tag by default.


import { CText } from '@chakra-ui/vue'


Vue is amazing, don't you think?

Editable Example
<c-text>Vue is amazing, don't you think?</c-text>

Changing the font size#

To increase the font size of the text, you can pass the fontSize prop.

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

In love with Vue and Nuxt

Editable Example
<c-stack :spacing="3">
  <c-text fontSize="6xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="5xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="4xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="3xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="2xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="xl">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="lg">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="md">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="sm">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>
  <c-text fontSize="xs">In love with Vue and Nuxt</c-text>

Truncate text#

Pass the isTruncated prop to render an ellipsis when the text exceeds the width of the viewport or maxWidth set.

“I was attracted to JavaScript because of the ability to just build something and share it instantly with the world. You put it on the web, and you get a URL, you can send it to anyone with a browser. That was the part that just attracted me to the web and to JavaScript.”

Editable Example
<c-text color="gray.500" is-truncated>
  “I was attracted to JavaScript because of the ability to just build something and share it instantly with the world. You put it on the web, and you get a URL, you can send it to anyone with a browser. That was the part that just attracted me to the web and to JavaScript.”

Override style#

You can change the entire style of the text via props. For example, to change the font size, pass the fontSize prop. No need to write css

I'm using a custom font-size value for this text

Editable Example
<c-text fontSize="50px" color="vue">
  I'm using a custom font-size value for this text

Override the element#

ItalicUnderlineI18NCitationDeletedEmphasisInsertedCtrl + CHighlightedStrikethroughSamplesubsup
Editable Example
<c-stack :spacing="3">
 <c-text as="i">Italic</c-text>

  <c-text as="u">Underline</c-text>

  <c-text as="abbr">I18N</c-text>

  <c-text as="cite">Citation</c-text>

  <c-text as="del">Deleted</c-text>

  <c-text as="em">Emphasis</c-text>

  <c-text as="ins">Inserted</c-text>

  <c-text as="kbd">Ctrl + C</c-text>

  <c-text as="mark">Highlighted</c-text>

  <c-text as="s">Strikethrough</c-text>

  <c-text as="samp">Sample</c-text>

  <c-text as="sub">sub</c-text>

  <c-text as="sup">sup</c-text>


Text composes the CBox component, so you can pass all Box style props.


defaultUsed for displaying the textual content of the CText component

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