Spinners provide a visual cue that an action is processing awaiting a course of change or a result.
import { CSpinner } from '@chakra-ui/vue'
<c-spinner />
<c-spinner color="blue.500" />
<c-stack is-inline :spacing="4">
<c-spinner size="xs" />
<c-spinner size="sm" />
<c-spinner size="md" />
<c-spinner size="lg" />
<c-spinner size="xl" />
Name | Type | Default | Description |
size | xl ,lg ,md ,sm ,xs | md | The size of the spinner. |
thickness | string | 2px | The thickness of the spinner. |
speed | string | 0.45s | The speed of the spinner. |
label | string | Loading... | An accessible label for the spinner (Useful for screen readers) |
color | string | The color of the spinner. | |
emptyColor | string | transparent | The color of the empty areas in the spinner. |
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