Form Control

FormControl provides context such as isInvalid, isDisabled, and isRequired to form elements. This context is used by the following components:

It follows the WAI specifications for forms.


import {
} from '@chakra-ui/vue';


We'll never share your email.

Editable Example
  <c-form-label htmlFor="email">Email address</c-form-label>
  <c-input type="email" id="email" aria-describedby="email-helper-text" />
  <c-form-helper-text id="email-helper-text">
    We'll never share your email.

Sample usage for a radio or checkbox group#

Select only if you're a fan.

Editable Example
<c-form-control as="fieldset">
  <c-form-label as="legend">Favorite Naruto Character</c-form-label>
  <c-radio-group default-value="Itachi">
    <c-radio value="Sasuke">Sasuke</c-radio>
    <c-radio value="Nagato">Nagato</c-radio>
    <c-radio value="Itachi">Itachi</c-radio>
    <c-radio value="Sage of the six Paths">Sage of the six Paths</c-radio>
  <c-form-helper-text id="email-helper-text">
    Select only if you're a fan.

Making a field required#

By passing the isRequired props, the CInput field has aria-required set to true, and the CFormLabel will show a red asterisks.

Editable Example
<c-form-control is-required>
  <c-form-label for="fname">First name</c-form-label>
  <c-input id="fname" placeholder="First name" />

Select Example#

Editable Example
  <c-form-label for="country">Country</c-form-label>
  <c-select id="country" placeholder="Select country" />


CFormControl composes the CBox component with these extra props. So all Box props apply here. See Box component for list of props

isInvalidbooleanfalseIf true, this prop is passed to its children.
isRequiredbooleanfalseIf true, this prop is passed to its children.
isDisabledbooleanfalseIf true, this prop is passed to its children.
isReadOnlybooleanfalseIf true, this prop is passed to its children.

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